
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day Fun

For the long weekend we headed up north to spend time with family and take part in some fun activities.

We were able to go visit and catch up with some friends, it had been way too long since we saw them last. Since the last time we saw them we have both added little boys to our families. It was a lot of fun to catch up with them. Andrew found their garden he is holding a mini cabbage that was picked for him to play with.

We spent a lot of time catching up with our families and Andrew couldn't get enough of playing with everyone, especially his cousin. Monkey see, monkey do...

Andrew and I ran in our first ever 5K race on Monday. Because I had do the majority of my training with Andrew I wanted to find a race that allowed strollers, luckily the one in our hometown did. It was a great morning, not too warm, just a little humid. We completed in 32:53; my best time running with Andrew.

It was a long drive there and back but it was worth it for all the fun that we had. I would say that Andrew is officially done with his car seat for a little while though. 

9 Months Old

In three short months our little baby boy will be a year old, so I take every moment I can and enjoy him being a baby; even though he is already acting more like a little boy and not so much like a baby any more.

He has grown up so much this month it seems like. Late last month he started pulling himself up on furniture and now he is walking along the furniture, even standing without holding on for a second or two.

 What the little guy is up to...
 - Wearing both 9 month and 12 month clothes. The 9 month clothes are becoming a squeeze length-wise.
 - Learned how to climb stairs by himself (surprising mommy and daddy)
 - Learning how to put toys into containers or baskets, but they quickly come back out.

Daddy and Grandpa say red tractors are the best
 - Walking along furniture.
 - Starting to eat some table food, but still mainly on baby food.
 - Will crawl out onto the deck if we hold the door open and ask if he wants to go outside.
 - Loves to stand at the kitchen window and talk to the neighbor's puppies or bunnies in the yard.
 - Still loves to read books...especially those by Eric Carle

 - Could be outside for hours if we let him. Loves to play with the grass, dirt, rocks, really anything he can get to.

Look Daddy Mulch!!!
 - Gets very excited when we ask him if he wants to go take a bath.
 - Does pretty well on long car rides. Usually sleeps for an hour or so, plays for two and a half hours, and fusses for the other half hour.

We were up visiting family this past weekend so we took advantage of Todd's parent's acreage and got some pictures of Andrew on this 9 month "birthday".