This little guy doesn't just walk anymore but runs (which is very cute to watch with his clenched fists and tiny legs moving so quickly). He is also so much more independent or at least when he wants to be.
Here are some basics on what he is up to now...
- Loves to play outside. We were so blessed to receive hand-me-downs of many toys such as a slide and cozy car for him. He also loves to play basketball with the hoop that we got him, saying "miss" even when he makes it.
- Still loves to cook. How he has graduated to helping me cook. He is very good and mixing up marinades in ziploc bags.
- His vocabulary has exploded! And he is adding new words every day.
- He can make many animal, cow, bird, snake, pig, squirrel, owl, etc.
- Most meals he feeds himself everything, only sometimes needing our help getting the food on his fork or spoon. This leads to many dirty shirts and shorts but the happy, proud look on his face makes the extra work with a stain remover very worth it.
- Has truly learned what TV is. On a day that he was very fussy I took a friends advice and turned on an episode of VeggieTales (thank you Netflix!). Now our smart little boy knows that in order to watch VeggieTales we need the Blu-ray remote. A couple times a week he will find it and bring it to one of us asking for "Veggies".