Our little guy is showing us that he isn't such a little baby anymore as so much has changed with him over that last 3 weeks.
First he started crawling, and not just his army crawl that he started out with, full out hands and knees cruising. This has turned him into a very mobile little guy, exploring every inch of the house and getting into things left and right. Most things he can't hurt so our only major struggle are the plants. We usually have a clue he is going after them because he will make a half giggle noise and then you can hear his hands hitting the floor as he takes off as fast as he can.
Next came his teeth. With some extra drool and small amount of fussiness the first one poked through and within the next two days the second one came on out too. We have a tough little guy who did this all without being too fussy and no fever. I pray that they all go this well for him; we will know soon enough as his top gums are very swollen right now, so it won't be long.
Our big boy also has started to drink out of a sippy cup. for a while he didn't like it at all but would drink very well out of a normal cup. We kept trying and now he does great with the sippy and is getting really close to holding it himself.
Finally, our big boy decided it was time to start pulling himself up. He started out by pulling himself up to stand next to our legs while we were on the floor with him. This was very wobbly and never lasted long, but the sturdiness and length kept improving. This morning while we were eating breakfast he decided to try the couch and made it look super easy. Happened so quickly that I didn't have the camera ready though :(
With all of these new adventures pain will come...He decided to see who would win; himself or the coffee table...daddy told him the table will always win and daddy was right.
It is so much fun watching him explore the house and come find us when we are in different rooms. My personal favorite is when he comes to find me (usually wanting some food from me) and will climb up to rest against my legs with a sweet face that says "Mommy, please" and who could resist.
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