
Friday, January 10, 2014

Celebrating Christmas

I love this time of year even though it can become extremely busy with bouncing from event to event, but the time with close and extended family make it all worth it. I love the simple traditions and the memories that they make. 

Our little family of three sat down for supper (nothing special, went for Andrew's favorite, spaghetti, so there would be no issues at the dinner table) the evening before we were to make the drive to visit family. Afterward we sat down together and read through the story of Jesus' birth in Luke 2 in Andrew's Children's Bible. Andrew was so excited about reading the story of Baby Jesus. He may have been more excited about that than his presents, at least for a little while.

Group Family Pictures

Andrew has always love music and now has discovered the piano at Grandpa and Grandma's house and would get up on that bench every chance he got. Then he got his "puppy guitar" from Great-Grandma for Christmas and then the music really didn't stop. It was super sweet especially when he would start singing Jingle Bells.

He's surrounded by snowmen! Andrew loved playing with all of Grandma's dancing snowmen and listening to them sing and watching them dance.

Making cake pops with Aunt Nichole. He loved putting the sprinkles on but I think he ate more that what ended up on the frosting. And oh yeah every time he put some sprinkles on frosting got on his fingers which had to be licked off, and the process repeated.

Christmas went by too fast as always but there were more treasured memories made so it will never be forgotten. How blessed we are to get to celebrate the birth of our Christ with the ones we love.

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