
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Long, Cold Winter

We were faced with what seemed like a never ending winter around here that was both extremely snowy and cold. I'm not sure if it was actually as rough as it seemed or if the toddler getting extremely stir crazy made it that much worse. Either way it seemed never ending. We always welcome the beauty that comes with the beginning of winter with it's white blankets that cover the ground but once we are three fourths the way through, we are done.

We cherish those days where it is calm enough to get out and spend some time outside. We get ourselves all bundled up and head out for as long as we can stand it and then inside we come with rosy cheeks and bright red noses. Andrew never seemed to mind or notice how cold he was actually getting.

With our days outside being so few and far between we had to get creative occasionally with different things to do to keep ourselves entertained. Spending time walking through the toy aisle  became old as I grew tired of the fight to leave so we got creative. Trips to PetSmart became a new favorite of Andrew's. His very own indoor zoo. 

More than special trips though we began letting Andrew get more and more involved in cooking and baking. Andrew has always had a love for play cooking and without a doubt it transferred to the real thing. He quickly became excellent at stirring in chocolate chips for cookies and just about anything else I would let him. Even though he greatly wants to we still keep the sharp knives and chopping out of his reach.

I think that God knows those of us that live in these colder climates can only take these temperatures for so long and blesses us with a few days here and there that remind us of what is to come. And we take full advantage!

We spent as many of them outside as possible enjoying them in whatever ways we could. With some days warmer than others we had great adventures as Andrew found long lost toys outside and long lost friends at the zoo.

With each passing cold day we hold out hope for those warmer days to come, and at this point they have started to come. Giving us teases of what will become consistent can be torturous but all the same very welcomed.

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