
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Simple Blessings

If you have known me for any amount of time you know that I like things to be picked up, organized, and in its own place. This obviously has really fallen off now that the little guy is here, but I have found spending time playing with him is much more fun and important. 

Yesterday was a day where Andrew did not want to sleep all day long. He was awake, thankfully not too cranky, and wanted to change what he was doing every 10 minutes. Needless to say I got nothing done. Yesterday we were also on a list to deliver a meal to a family in our church that just recently had a baby. Todd got home a little early and offered to drive the meal into town and take Andrew with him; two reasons: hopefully he would nap in the car and to give me some quiet time.

I took this time to curl up on the couch with a blanket and nap. Earlier in my life if I would have been given a 1/2 hour of quiet time I would have started running around the house cleaning. As I laid down on the couch I looked around the living room and kind of laughed to myself...oh how things have changed...I am going to sleep when I cant even see the coffee table, dishes all over the kitchen counters and table. 

What a simple blessing of a 1/2 hour nap in a completely quiet house!!!

Our little guy decided to give Mommy and Daddy another blessing last night as well. After his long day of staying awake and hanging out with Mommy he finally went to sleep for the night around 10:30. I followed right behind in hopes of getting a couple of hours of sleep before he woke up for his middle of the night feeding. To our surprise he decided to sleep through the night!!! I ended up having to get him up right when he was starting to stir so that we could get ready for the busy morning that was ahead of us.

What an amazing blessing to have almost 8 hours of straight sleep!!!

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