
Friday, March 2, 2012

3 Months Old

It is very hard to believe that our little guy is 3 months old today. In a lot of ways it seems like only yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital, others I can't remember what life was like before he was here.

Who can resist that sweet little face

Watching him grow has been so exciting and I treasure all the little moments - both good and bad. Andrew is getting such a personality now. Overall he is a very content little boy who loves to look around and be a part of anything that is going on. With that being said, you have to carry him around facing out otherwise he will really begin to fuss as he can not see out. 

Everyday he plays more and more with his toys, which is so much fun to watch as he grabs hold of his rings or animals and almost pulls the arch over on himself. He is a very strong little boy.

As he grows every day I find myself thinking that I just want him to stop and stay my sweet little boy longer, but then I think of all the fun things to come. Even though he now weighs 16lbs, I will continue to call him my sweet little boy.

 1 1/2 Weeks Old3 Months Old

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