
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Weather

This year the weather has been far from normal. We barely received any snow and what we did never hung around long. Last year we were inching out into the road trying to see over huge snow piles. Even though I missed looking outside at our normal winter wonderland, I must say that I am greatly enjoying this abnormally warm spring weather. Every day this week the little guy, Todd, and I have been able to go for a walk; it is just great to be outside.

It has been fun to watch this experience for our little guy. He loves being outside so much already and I'm sure this will only grow. As we walk he is looking around constantly trying to take it all in, I can only imagine what he is thinking as he sees and hears (hearing dogs for the first time really made his eyes big) all these new things. He is also loving being able to look around when we carry him from the car to a store - completely new experience not having his fleece cover pulled over his carseat.

There has been one disadvantage for our little guy though...he has learned what it means to be hot. Being born in December he has not experienced this yet, so last night when it reached 81 degrees outside and about 75 in our house we found him most content in just his little onesie playing on the floor underneath the ceiling fan. Funny thing, this is where I found myself a few evenings last spring when it got hot and our air conditioner didn't work while pregnant (there is a great breeze that blows between the front and back windows too).

We thank God for this beautiful weather and we are so thankful that we are able to get outside and enjoy it; hopefully it is here to stay. Right now we are both anxiously awaiting Todd/Daddy to get home from work so we can go on our walk today.

 Mommy, why am I so warm?

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