When our little guy was about 1 1/2 months old we started seeing small spots of blood in his stools. When this was brought up to our pediatrician I was asked to keep a food journal to try to determine if it was something I was passing him through the breast milk. After doing this for a few weeks we couldn't find any correlation, then it all of a sudden got worse so we went back to the doctor.
We were quickly asked to stop breast-feeding and begin giving Andrew a formula made for babies with allergies. They also drew blood and did a x-ray of his belly, both came back normal. So we were sent home with two cans of formula and a kit to collect a stool sample for them to test (one of the grossest things I have ever done so I won't go into details on that).
When we arrived home after that Sunday morning visit to the doctor I burst into tears not wanting to stop feeding our son. After some discussion Todd and I decided that instead of starting formula we would begin cutting other things out of my diet first. With this decision we were more content, although still concerned; but most importantly trusting in God.
Sunday finished out without any more blood in his diapers; however Monday was even worse than before. After discussing this with our pediatrician we were referred to a pediatric GI doctor. Yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon we met with him with much relief. After his examination of Andrew (thank God he didn't have to put Andrew through any tests either) the doctor told us that there was no reason to stop breast-feeding nor adjust my diet at all.
His explanation is that some babies have blood in their stool and there is no way of knowing why. As he put it, we have an overall happy, growing, healthy baby boy and we should pay more attention to playing and interacting with him than to what ends up in his diapers. PRAISE GOD!!!
So we continue on with our normal lives of playing, loving, and caring for our little boy. God is so good and we can not thank Him enough for our sweet little boy. I am so grateful that we chose not to stop breast-feeding as it would have been a large battle for the whole family for no reason.
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